TLC Series - Tannins, Lignin & Color

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Single Solution Systems For Multiple Water Problems

Many ground water supplies often have multiple problems that are not only an issue from an aesthetic standpoint but in terms of cost when pipes become clogged, fixtures stained and laundry discolored. Combination units use mixed beds of a variety of different medias to provide one solution for your water woes.

Tannins are caused by decaying organic matter which stain most materials it comes into contact with. The system uses anion exchange resin to remove color caused by organic decay - greatly improving aesthetics and preventing costly staining.

Purchasing a TLC Series System for your home?

Choose the Valve that fits your project.

Reverse Flow Regeneration
with Precision Brining

Traditional "downflow" softeners deplete the unused portion of the resin bed with every regeneration. It is like draining the gas tank in your car before you fill it up! "UpFlow Regeneration" drives the hardness minerals up through the already depleted resin and out to the drain - saving both salt and the unused portion of the resin for future use.

Precision brining saves additional salt by pre-making only 70% of the brine. Just before regeneration, the computer calculates the precise amount of brine top-up needed to regenerate only the depleted resin saving up to 30% more salt.

Upflow Regeneration is available on the 89 and 785 Series HEDP models.

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TLC Spec Sheet
# 80153041

Assembled System Warranty # 80150345


89 TLC Manual
# 54616

785 TLC Manual
# 54617

565 TLC Manual
# 54618

765 TLC Manual
# 54619